Dominant representation advert
This advert is a dominant representation advert. It was produced by LYNX.In this advert it shows a man and lots of women. it shows the man spraying lynx aftershave on and when he does that all the women leave everything and follow the man. The advert is a dominant representation because it shows how girls are stereotyped. they are stereotytped into being sex models for men and doing what ever men tell them to do. also women are classed as a subordinate group. i think that the target audience for this particular advertisement are everyone because i think that different groups will have different opinions on the advert itself.
Alternative representation advert
This advert is an alternative representation advert. the reason i think this is because it shows a black rap star who is very popular amongst the music industry. the advertisment was produced by Reebok. It shows 50 cent a black rapper popular amongst the music industry and it tells you throughout the advert that he was shot 9 times but managed to survive. this is also an alternative representation because black people are classed as a subordinate group. i think that the target audience for this advertisement are male teenagers he leads an example to them.
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