Film noir films were old films. so this meant that they were mostly shot in 3 colours, grey, black and white. most film noir films were about horror/thriller but also mixed in with abit of love. most film noir films showed the "dark" and scary side of human nature. film noir was most famous for the fact that it builds up lots of excitement because it could build a exciting suspision that any time in the movie you can experience a rather "dark" or "horrid" side to the characters in the movies.
film noir consists of high key lighting and low key lighting. high key lighting is is where there are more/lots of filler lights in the scenes and more realist shadows that can build up suspision. low key lighting is where there are lots of lights throughout the scene. this creates lots of dramatic intensity. low key lighting was used commonly amongst film noir movies.
This is an example of a film noir movie. as you can see this has lots of lighting throughout the picture. it shows a woman with a gun, a dead man on the floor with blood on him and a man standing behind the dead man. this creates lots of dramatic effect because you have seen as evil side to a woman, and this is what film noir movies mostly consist of.
I think this movie has a "low key lighting" effect to it because, there are hardly any shadows, there is lots of lights in the picture, and that is what low key lighting is. also i think this is low key lighting because, low key lighting builds up lots of dratic intensity and when you look at this picture straight away you think the movie will be excciting because there is blood, horror and evil inside it.
This is an example of a film noir movie. the reason you can tell it is a film noir mkovie is because, when you loo at it, it shows you an old fashioned movie. also as you weatch the video the lady is on the phone to the man acting all innocent, however when she closes the phone and looks at the lady next to her, you sense a evil side is occuring to her, this builds up a dramatic effect.
I think this film also has low-key lighting because, there are no shadows in the scene, there are just lots of light which makes the movie "glow" in a way. in had a bit of "high-key lighting" in it when it showed the man talking on the phone to the woman. the reason i could tell this is because, he was in a dark room and there was a shadow occuring in the scene to make it exciting.
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