i have chosen these 2 posters.
the first poster is a film called "forgetting sarah marshall". as you can see it says on the poster this film is a comedy so straight away we know the genre of the movie. in the poster it shows a very good looking women hugging russel brand. it also shows another man in the background looking very sad so straight away we think that this ovie is going to be funny. i think that this poster is capturing and eye-gripping because it has bright colours and comediers are one of the most popular genres.
the next film poster i chose was "the matrix". the reason i chose to put this poster up because it looks gripping and engaging as soon as you look at it. it shows four characters in wierd costumes, and by looks of it, it looks like there on a mission. also the word "matrix" makes us think of something flexable or useful and in this case, the actors are very flexible and useful. another reason why i chose this poster is because it is an action movie and "action" is another very popular genre these days.
in my opinion, out of these 2 film posters, i think the most gripping and most effective is "the matrix" poster. the reason i think this is because the genre is more popular as you get more action is an "action" movie than you do in a comedy. also the film poster is more detailed,in a way that the characters hav props on them to make it more excited, e.g. glasses, weapons and wierd clothes. the poster is very detailed, it shows rain which signifies that this movie is going to have some "dark" moments. finally i think that the name of the film makes it exciting as when you pronounce the word "matrix" is sounds very exciting.
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