This film is called New york city time square. as soon as this extract starts, there is a long shot being played with a very busy town and some people are even running. when i saw this straight away i came across violence or guilt. the reason i thought this was because, new york is a rich country and with people people running around, its either they're in a hurry to get somewhere, or they have done something wrong. As the clip goes on, we then see men dressed up like soldiers, using binoculars to look for people, this was a close shot. i think that the close shot of the soldiers connotes that the are the most important out of all these people and that they are better then everyone else. this shot also made me think that violence was present in this clip because you have soldiers looking for someone, or maybe something, and they wouldnt be doing it unless it was a valid reason.
This Move was made in the 1990s. It is called Mysterious Skin. this was the film scene of the film and as soon as this film starts there is a long shot with a shadow coming towards the door. straight away this builds up suspense that this may be about voilence or maybe be a thriller/horror. As the scene goes on, it shows a close up of a man holding maybe his partner or his dad etc. the man being held is clearly ill by his skin which makes sense because the movie is called "myseterious skin". they do a close up shot of this to try and get us feeling emotional, like he is, and by doing this, they added abit of "emotional" music to try and get us in that mood.
Four Film Stills
This is a poster of Mary Poppins. As you can see in this poster, Mary Poppins is "higher" then all the buildings and houses. this conntoes that she was a very special woman and that she was someone to look up to as a woman. also back in the day, people didnt have enough money to afford rich things, and she is wearing very posh clothes in the poster, this signifies that she is a very intelligant and successfull lady.
This as you can see, is a poster of a vammpire. straight away we can see this, by looking at her facial expressions. they use a medium shot in this poster so that you can see what she is doing, but also what is going on around her. given that we see "darkness" and trees with no leaves, we can straight away understand that this lady is a vampire.
This film still is taken from a movie called "get smart". a medium shot is also used in this film still. i think they have done this because, as you can see the facial expressions on both characters are "eager", "worried" and "anxiuos". this gives us an idea that they are either on the run or trying to do something dodgy. an i think that the medium shot is perfect for this because it shows them in rich clothes which connotes there guilt.
This film still is a "long shot". the reason i think this is because not only can you see both characters full bodies, buy you can also see what the atmosphere is like around them. i think that the long shot is suitable for this because the atmosphere around them is dark and scary, and with a gun pointed at one of the characters faces, it all blends in well.